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Learn more about my practice and the animating philosophy behind the work that I do.
Hate it Or love it, Communications lives at the heart of everything
Hate it Or love it, Comms lives at the heart of everything
Let’s be honest: there is more to communications design than dry fact sheets, lame advertisements, and marketing collateral that just ends up in the trash anyway.
Whether you’re looking at a sign on the road, an app on your phone, a book, a yard sale poster, or a website, all of these things are connected by being products of information.
But without forms of communication–be they written words, pictures, videos, audio recordings, or graphics–information cannot be shared. It is through communications, thus, that businesses sell their products and for such reasons renders it essential to business operations.
So long as businesses need communications, they will need communications design.
(Communications production as well–but that didn’t sound as good in the headline.)
Nonetheless, it is because of the universal need for businesses to communicate, that communications production and design are essential operational capabilities that every business should have.
It is not enough for businesses to have just communications production–or just design. To be impactful, they need both.
It is not enough for businesses to have just comms production–or just design. To be impactful, they need both.
“It’s not just what you say, but how you—” something, something or another. The point is, it’s hardly ever enough for a brand to have great communications and crappy design, the same way that it has rarely been enough for a brand to have great design and crappy communications. If you want your business to be remembered, desired, and dare I say, worship worthy–you better be showing up with both.
LairMedia offers communications production and design as part of an easy to understand–easy to pay for–vertically-integrated process.
Unlike most design practices that specialize in advertisements, websites, or another type of visual media, LairMedia specializes in communications production design, which is a creative discipline that vertically integrates communications development and design production as part of the same process.
A lot of businesses don’t specialize in writing or design as part of their work product, but all businesses need it in some form or another to maximize operations.
Lair Media’s specialization in communications production design caters to many of the common visual, branding, and copywriting needs that characterize the operations of most medium-sized businesses.
It is through this specialization, that Lair Media positions itself at the heart of an organization’s creative, branding, and promotional interests by focusing on a set of disciplines that overlap in multiple areas of consistent operational need.