For those that have been following the news, you may have heard that the now-famous “Charlie Bit My Finger” YouTube video was sold as an NFT in May 2021 for $761,000. But unlike other famous meme sales, part of what sensationalized it were reports that the video would be taken off of YouTube after the tokenized rights to the video were sold.
Keep in mind, for someone who literally did not know—or care—what this was until about a week ago, the media buzz surrounding this meme sale was borderline outrageous. Hell, even MSNBC aired the “Charlie Bit My Finger” video one last more time for all of us scoundrels that have unlimited DVR storage, and didn’t want to pay to ever watch it again… or… were literally living under a rock, like myself, and had legitimately never seen it before.
But in an apparent twist of fate, the family who offered to remove the video forever contacted the buyer, who ultimately decided to keep the video on YouTube, feeling that “the video is an important part of popular culture and shouldn’t be taken down.”
I mean… Mayyyybeeeee…. But props to the buyer for acting in favor of “the greater good,” if you will. After all, not all of us poors can pay three-quarters of a mil to be underwhelmed by one of the most popular videos on YouTube. According to Engaget, the family plans on using the proceeds from the auction to pay for the two sons’ college educations, as well as donate part of the proceeds to carbon offset charities. (info via Engaget)
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